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The Basics of Youth Ministries
Is your student ministry healthy? Even if your numbers are growing and you’re achieving your goals, how do you assess the health of your ministry? Ben Trueblood examines three characteristics of a healthy student ministry: kingdom expanding, character transforming, and culture shaping. Ben discusses evangelism, missions, character transformation versus character formation, and how to leverage cultural realities to help students build and grow disciple-making relationships.
Serving In Student Ministries
Middle and high school years are formative in the lives of your students. Teenagers learn by example, so they need strong, Christian leaders from whom they can learn and who they know cares about them. Ben Trueblood discusses student ministry expectations and commitment and how to engage teenagers as you serve.
How Students Learn
Middle and high school years are formative in the lives of your students. Teenagers learn by example, so they need strong, Christian leaders from whom they can learn and who they know cares about them. Ben Trueblood discusses student ministry expectations and commitment and how to engage teenagers as you serve.
Leading A Group In Student Ministries
As followers of Christ, we’re called to learn from those who are ahead of us and invest in the lives of those behind us in our walks of faith to both encourage and challenge each other spiritually. John Paul Basham shares ways to set up mentorship, set appropriate boundaries, and address behavior issues in student ministry.
Opportunities and Challenges in Student Ministries
As you serve in student ministry, you will experience both opportunities and challenges. John Paul Basham discusses how to manage conflict, serving your church and community, responding to a crisis, equipping student leaders, and ways to partner with parents.
The following resources are available online. 
The Value and Contribution of the Small Church for Youth Ministries
Everyone lauds the ministries to youth of the larger churches, and imply that small church youth ministry is...second-rate. In this article, Glenn Davis tells about the strengths of ministry that a small church can provide to teens.