Hearing From Home

When I was the Head of School at Hamilton Heights Christian Academy, I received a phone call from a guidance counselor from a local high school. They had a new exchange student from Tanzania who was struggling. The Counselor called me when she discovered that we had several students at Hamilton Heights from Western African countries. The counselor said,  "She's a little homesick and just wants to talk to someone from home." She wanted to know if she could come over and visit with our students..."just to hear from home."

So the next day, we connected...a girl from Tanzania, two girls from Nigeria, a tall guy from Coweta, OK, and a guidance counselor from Chattanooga, TN. She just wanted to hear from home. She had been a little overwhelmed, but hearing from someone from home encouraged her.

I know how she feels. There are moments when life can be a little overwhelming. There are times when I feel like a stranger in another country. Because I am. As a redeemed child of God, I belong to the Kingdom of Heaven. (If you are not a Christ-follower, I know that sounds strange, but trust me...we get it.) And, sometimes, I just long to hear from home. Ephesians 1:13-14 (NIV) says: "When you believed, you were marked in Him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession."

When I feel like a stranger in another country, the Holy Spirit whispers, "Everything's okay. Your inheritance is assured and guaranteed. Keep going. Keep living. One day, you'll be home."
Duke Stone
After 40 years in full-time ministry, I try to see how the little things in life speak big things about God. This blog is an attempt to share with you the many ways I see the love of God in the ordinary things of life.


