Awkward Moments

Talk about an awkward moment...a woman with a reputation entered a room full of religious people and began to wash the feet of Jesus with her tears and her hair (Luke 7). I would have quickly stopped her and promised everyone I had never met her. After all, my reputation would be on the line.

Awkward moments make me uncomfortable and defensive. But Jesus heard her repentance and cry for help. He took advantage of the awkward moment to lead her to the peace of God.

He said in Luke 7:47, "I tell you, her sins—and they are many—have been forgiven, so she has shown me much love. But a person who is forgiven little shows only little love."

It’s humbling to realize how often I let my discomfort dictate my actions rather than seeing the opportunity for grace in the mess. Jesus wasn’t concerned about appearances; He was focused on the heart. He knew true transformation often begins in the most unexpected and uncomfortable places. His willingness to embrace those moments challenges me to reconsider how I react when life gets awkward.

If I’m honest, I can easily drift into attitudes like those who judged the woman. But Jesus’ response reminds me that social norms nor my discomfort hinder God’s love. His response to each of us is always from a heart of acceptance and grace.
Duke Stone
After 40 years in full-time ministry, I try to see how the little things in life speak big things about God. This blog is an attempt to share with you the many ways I see the love of God in the ordinary things of life.


