Rest For The Weary

The words of Jesus in Matthew 11:28 (NLT) are so familiar that we lose the wonder of their implications. “Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens....”

The word “weary” in the original language of the New Testament is interesting. It doesn’t refer to something like when you’ve been working and you're tired. It means you have been at a task for so long that you are exhausted.

You know exactly what it means, don't you? You've been going through episodes with your children, your health, or your job, and it's left you exhausted. You are weary.
But I am thankful for the last five words of verse 28. Jesus said, “If you will come to Me when you are weary, when you are exhausted, when you are breathless, when you feel like you can't take another step…I will give you rest.”

The word “rest” is another interesting word in the original language. It means “to take a break or to catch your breath.” It is an invitation to take a step aside, relax, and let your mind recuperate.

So if your soul is weary, if your spirit is exhausted, accept His invitation. Pause, take a moment, go to Him, and let Him give you rest.
Duke Stone
After 40 years in full-time ministry, I try to see how the little things in life speak big things about God. This blog is an attempt to share with you the many ways I see the love of God in the ordinary things of life.


