Filled With Laughter

A few years ago, during one of my sermons, I was using an illustration about crab traps, and I got tongue-tied, and instead of “crab”, I said a similar word. Now, understand that, as a kid, I was not allowed to say that word, and it is still not a part of my vocabulary. But it was one of those moments you couldn’t just move on because everyone in the congregation started giggling. I tried to correct it and said it again. The more I tried to correct it, the more giggles erupted.

I've got to say, more than being embarrassing, it was...funny. Especially to my kids, who knew I didn’t say that word and had just said it at least three times, from the pulpit, in my sermon.

Psalm 126:2 says: "We were filled will laughter, and we sang for joy. And the other nations said, What amazing things the Lord has done for them." Don’t miss the connection. Our ability to laugh testifies to those around us of God's amazing presence.

So today, why not take a little time to laugh? If you can't think of anything to laugh about, just pay close attention to'll probably find something.
Duke Stone
After 40 years in full-time ministry, I try to see how the little things in life speak big things about God. This blog is an attempt to share with you the many ways I see the love of God in the ordinary things of life.


